
If you don't  have a zoom account, click sign up below. It's free.

In the upper right of the zoom website, click "Sign Up For Free" and provide your details.

Let it install the Zoom app.

Once installed, you can follow the link to the Film Salon link on the Event page of this site. Of course the meeting will have not started yet.  In your device's display, find the buttons for for "Mute/Unmute" for audio, and "Start/Stop" video.  Turn them both on.

You're set! Go to the Event page, and click the meeting link.

Sign Up with Zoom


  This month:

Our 500th Movie!

Grab Bag Season:

September - Ladies' Choice

October - Oscar/Cannes Winners

November - Comedies

December - Real Live, In-Person Party!

** Note: Whenever feasible, we will abandon Zoom streaming and resume in-person meetings.

film salon